Timmins Ringette annual FUN DAY a Roaring success!

Jan. 20, 2020

On Saturday January 18, 2020, the Timmins Ringette Association proudly held it’s annual FUN DAY at the Whitney Arena.   The day included approximately 120 Bunny (age 5-7) and Novice (under 10) age players from between the Timmins and Iroquois Falls Associations.   They played in several short games throughout the day beginning at 8 a.m., showed their collective love for the game, and were cheered on by their many fans and supporters.  Timmins Ringette President, Angie Chartier, was happy with the turnout of volunteers, coaches, and parents to support the special day for the future players of Timmins and area Ringette. 

The day finished with two special exhibition games that showcased a combination of DADS vs U16/U19 Ringette players.   The DADS were made up of male parents or relatives from the Timmins Ringette community.   Both games were a treat to watch as the players soundly showed the DADS that they needed a lot more “practice” before they could keep up with them.   The DADs took a lot of penalties and entertained the crowd with antics aimed at trying to win in any way possible.   In the end, the ladies handily won both games, 10-2 and 8-1.  The DADS promised revenge for next year!


Timmins Ringette would like to thank the Porcupine Kinsmen for being the official sponsor for our Fun Day!


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